Saturday, August 15, 2009

I Didn't Cheat On You, I Was Raped!

Sitting in a public computer hub, an internet cafe of sorts, what the Army calls an MWR room (Morale, Welfare, Recreation), can often times be very entertaining. This is because of the lack of privacy. Oh, how bad you think your life is till you hear about someone else's, or see it.

Today as I started to type away, look at baseball scores, order flowers for loved ones, I was witness to the most hilarious 'scene' that anyone can make for themselves. Allow me to set the 'scene,' this is not a Benson one.

Being in close proximity to one another, we all generally understand the relationships that we all are in. The pressures and the stresses that a deployment to Iraq can cause, and the sad way that everyone has to deal with it. The majority of us have known each other since before deploying here, and even as colleagues at the beginning, in the end we are friends. The perpetrator, or possibly the victim is not someone anyone who actually does work is a friend of. He's a 'fat' by Army standards, but just big boned by American ones, with blond hair and the attitude I would've thought you could only still find on the playground of elementary school being represented by the form of the biggest, snot-nosed maladjusted fifth grader. By any means, he's very annoying too all.

As he continued his seemingly daily, or twice daily, even possibly 100 times daily argument with his significant other, I sitting next to him was already trying to block it out. He's very loud, and for me, everyone in the MWR, we knew such a task was impossible. This one started out a lot different than his normal ones, where he was not in control and trying to manipulate the poor woman on the other side of phone line. He was defensive and constantly making excuses, and though I wasn't trying to follow along with his conversation, he said a one-liner that I couldn't ignore.

"I didn't cheat on you! I was RAPED!"

It was near impossible not to laugh. After another few awkward minutes sitting next to him, as he was near the brink of crying, he finally got up and left. Everybody in the MWR started laughing hysterically. I'm not usually one who will laugh about horrible situations of others, I usually just leave that for people I know. But the way this guy advertises everything to everyone in not trying to be private by any means, leaves him well deserving.

Although the days have been falling off the calendar, and we are nearer to coming home, I still have to come into the MWR to write this blog, to email friends, to talk to loved ones, making me positive this won't be the last time I am witness to something similar to this account. I'll sure to let you know, so that we can do the thing that's easiest for us all to do. That's to feel good about ourselves through the depression of others.

Ain't no party like a west coast party...

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