Wednesday, August 19, 2009

The Feedback Which Inspires

I'm not really sure why I started this blog anymore. It's certainly not for the same reason that I write today. I used to believe that it was to help me understand myself better. After my last post, I got a lot of feedback, from a lot of different people. Close to 30 emails from mostly strangers with mostly the same consensus. A common one, that what I had said rang true, even if it stung a little. But there was also opposition in some forms, which absolutely I'm inspired by. That my readers, aren't a robot and decided to stray outside the flock of sheep. It made me realize, when I opened up my gmail and saw so many emails from unknown people, that my blog is more widely read than I ever thought, and that it apparently isn't just for myself. I then also realized that though I provoked some response from people, I think I might have not construed the point precisely or clearly enough.

I don't want to revisit my opinions quite so early, but I feel the need to let you the reader know that I'm not all the fire and brimstone that I was in my last post. It seems the most common generalization I got back from my readers is that I think all of America is crap. I don't think this, but we have tons of problems. One's that can be fixed, even without a magic potion or a charasmatic leader to unite us all. I know there is a lot of people who are ignorant, and lazy, and simply don't care to do anything or to change that. But I also know that there are plenty of good people in America. It might even be a majority who agreed wholeheartedly with me on this topic, and who indeed do care about what are nation is doing everyday. It's certainly not anyone in the media though. These people are the same who recognize the problem and do help to try to make our situation in America better. But the voices of those have not been heard. And even if they have been, they certainly are not loud enough.

Some people even asked me what I would do if I was in their situation. Because they want to do something, they just don't know what it is too do. I don't have all the answers, I'm never going to claim to. There are smarter people out there in the world than I. The one thing I do have as a leg up is courage, and the knowledge that we need a catalyst which will change the way we think, and our overall priorities as a Nation. It's the courage to stand up for our unalienable rights of Liberty and Freedom that should ultimately prevail. If I were in your situation, I'd turn off the news. I'd boycott it in fact. CNN and Fox, and any other news network is full of shit. Newspapers aren't much better. Neither is the internet.

The next step I would take, after trying to force the media, the news to actually report things that matter, is to cause some havoc, put some pressure on the Government. The government should fear it's people, but as of now, that is certainly not the case. They've, we've, allowed such censors to be enforced and such penalties that have even somewhat denied us our First Amendment rights of the Freedom of Speech.

It's time to take back control. Organize people at your work, public transportation, city jobs that allow society to function normally; stop working. The government has stopped working for our best interests, so stop working for theirs. This will cause the chaos that needs to happen for good people to be heard. For the minority who's in charge, to realize that they have no power. Don't just do it for a day. Do it for weeks, make the sacrifice needed to make them realize that this is something they should take serious. If there's anything the government is afraid of, it's people using their powers of democracy, something we haven't used correctly in years.

I don't know if it's the right answer or the wrong one. But it's an action, and that is better than inaction, right or wrong. I sometimes think about this idea that I've learned while being the military, and how much it makes since. Inaction in my line of work kills. This in it's most basic form applies to the American public in the matters of voter turn out. It's kind of funny to think about how we are pressing the idea of democracy into the hands of people who don't understand or deserve it. Yet our voter turnout is barely 50% of those eligible. Do we even deserve it? Maybe we should allow a tyrant to take over, and limit all those freedoms that we're so used to having. Then we'll see how many people become 'active.'

Like I said, I don't know the right answers. But I know that sitting and complaining about it, not doing anything is certainly not the right answer. Obama tricked everyone with his prom queen antics. He promised a lot without telling you how or why. But the ideas sounded good, but with no solid plan, he assumed office and found that the political process is hard. His inexperience shows. But really, is it Obama's fault that he hasn't provided for America's needs. It's our inexperience at using our democratic power that has really failed this nation. A democracy is a government for the people, by the people. We don't just pick a candidate, who tells us his plan, and then after the election is over it's up to him to make everything happen. We aren't off of the hook that easy, we can't just point fingers and pick scapegoats. We can make changes during the 4 years of a Presidents term, even without his help. We are to blame as much as anybody.

I guess I know the reason that I now write my blog. Not just for a better understanding of myself, but to try and teach others that there is more going on than we think about. Than we care about. I want to challenge my readers, maybe not to change their minds, or make them change their lifestyles even, but to make them think. Think about every day they take for granted. The liberties and freedoms that are so underrated everyday, that might be gone tomorrow. If we stop caring about the things that affect us, the most certainly will. So become more aware, think about how you live your daily life, and how much better it could be. Strive to make a difference in your own life, as well as others. Don't sit on the sidelines and watch what so many of our ancestors worked so hard for with blood, sweat, and tears just go down the drain. I want my kids, and their kids to know what it's like to live in a free world. I fear that they won't know that if we continue to bow to the demands that ignorance and apathy bring.

Thank you to all for reading my blog, taking time out of your day to just read it, and to respond personally, by giving me your opinions and letting me know honestly what you think. I appreciate any and all feedback, positive or negative. I always try and take everything into consideration, try and see every angle. If I can't do it myself, I thank you for helping me, opening my eyes to other views, and challenging me. I'll always listen and ponder your opinions, and be most appreciative of them.

The political process in the form of revolution is swift. -Me

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