Thursday, January 27, 2011

The Path To Happiness Is Found Within Ourselves

It's amazing how immediately if you change the way you feel, if you force yourself to start feeling better, how unlimited that gateway will open to. I start to feel better, and things start to fall into place. I'm looking at getting a housing allowance shortly, and possibly not only a position promotion, but possibly a rank promotion, leading to quite a bit more money. The other side of that, is March hits I get $100 raise anyways. Not too mention that I get to travel to UNC Chapel Hill and speak with students about the "Army Experience." Life is turning good beneath my own control.

The other side of it has been accepting that I'm now full blown single. Not that I wasn't before, but I had a lot of reservations and even in the last week still had some feelings of regret and want of things in my past. Those emotions, those feelings are all but gone, or possibly just distracted by the amount of 'chatting' that I have been doing with new and different prospects in my life. This last weekend, after having a 'formal' blind date where I met the parents of a young lady from UNC Chapel Hill, I hit the rest of the weekend with a new and vibrant attitude that I haven't displayed in quite sometime. I'm a confident, good looking man who not only dresses nice, but I take pride in yielding class into a sometimes very unclassy society.

Just having that self-confidence, just going out to have fun and not look for anything but to enjoy myself has led to an aura or something of the sort that has led to unexplained amounts of women being attracted, and comfortable with talking to me right off of the bat. Mind you, I'm not a 'ladies man' and despise the way that society pits us into believing that we must go home with a woman the first night you meet them. That it's all the physical attraction and none of the mental. I am however very adept at conversing with people, with making people feel good about themselves, and carrying conversations from as simple and fun to deep and moving. I am fairly outgoing, and since I've been on the wagon lately, I even remember most of what I'm saying and where I'm going with it. The night ended with a couple of facebook friend requests pending by the next morning, and four sets of numbers entered into my phone.

I screen the facebook requests, and decide to delete a few of the numbers. I don't want to be an asshole, but at the same time don't want to lead anyone on. I actually don't even make the first contact for two of the girls I met this last weekend, and one even asks me out to coffee Monday night. I decline of course, and am amused to the fact that I don't make any effort, not the way that a boy normally would for a girl and yet everything is going my way regardless. I tease one by saying if you play your cards right, maybe I'll meet you out for a drink and it seems to work better than I could imagine. Has the world flipped upside down? I'm all about working hard for the things you want. This seems weird, and almost unfair. It's got me scratching my head. Things are falling into my lap, and I wonder if it's merely just the change of focus. It must be. I'm not that good. Or maybe, I am.

It's being positive, it's working hard for the things you want, and not letting the obstacles, that will constantly pop up, get in your way. Conquer everything you put your mind to. Work to better yourself and you will inherently better your relationships. Ask yourself quality questions so that you may receive quality answers. I can't explain how life could seem like such a breeze, so easy after only a week ago feeling like it might as well come to an end. The power has not been from an outside source. No special elixir or miracle drug, just a positive attitude, with a sense of never faltering, never quitting, never losing. Always working to be best, to come out on top, and learn from every obstacle, every time you face adversity.

Don't stop believin'

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