Thursday, October 15, 2009

Break The Chain

Here in Iraq, my view of the outside world is perhaps like the view through a large glass window, than that of the small port hole that the United States allows. This is because, even if it's news on the TV, it's CNN from Europe, which covers a larger portion of the world than just the United States. I read the news from different sources on the internet and try and get a better understanding of the whole spectrum of what's going on everywhere. And yet, somehow, and I guess along the lines of physics, the bullshit, the fluff with no weight, no substance, always floats to the top. Every time, on LATimes, or the Washington Post, or Yahoo, or, it's always the same. The big headline, one of unimportance in the grand scheme of things. Usually some insignificant tragedy, assuring the readers that they have missed another one, and they will live again to read tomorrows edition.

I'm not talking about fires in California, or Tsunami's in Somoa tragedies. I'm talking about Taylor Swift tragedies, and the Boy in The Balloon. This all reverts back to the idea of what we have done. It's actually a tragedy, though you won't see it in any newspaper. The tragedy of what we as people have done, civilized people anyways, with our interference of natural selection. We have been catering to the dumb and stupid for too many generations. Giving them the handouts they want, the freedoms that they only take advantage of, and the burden they put on the strong. It is a truth of life that the strong will carry the burden of and for the weak. It's the competent that will do more work, take less, and seemingly be punished.

I read the news, and all I get is this sad story, about stupid parents and a 6 year old boy in Colorado. The disdain grows like a disease in my mouth, and I can barely swallow my now infected saliva. I can't believe that this is getting so much attention. It's not right in the category with the idiots who spill hot coffee in their laps at drive thru's, but it's overlapped in that circle. These parents should pay, not just in apology, but some kind of sentence to the people of Colorado, to America, to the World for wasting all of our time. They should be sentenced to hours of community service, and be under court supervision for the raising of their child.

The more we cater to these kinds of people, the further our social system is going to crumble. The movie Idiocracy is not that far off. We make so many rules that do nothing but protect, cater to the stupid, lazy, and lame of our communities. They take advantage, and the competent work harder, pay for it more and more, and eventually start to turn into those who take advantage of the system. Become players in the game. Lessening the amount of smart people in our society. The amount of good working hard people gets lower and lower every year. We suffer.

It's amazing that we still allow, with all the smart people we have in the United States, all of these idiots to live and actually thrive in our community. The person that sues McDonald's for making them fat. The person who sues Starbucks for too hot of coffee when they burn their genitals by driving out of the drive thru too fast. These people win their cases, and make their millions of dollars. They make it inconvenient for the smart people of the world to put out a product. Putting tons of warning labels on everything. The saddest part, is when you read a warning label that says not to do something that you would never think about doing, ever. Something like opening up a blender, and it's warning label tells you not to place your hand in the blender when it's on. No shit Sherlock. People have actually done that! It's not some this might happen so we'll put it on there, it's this has happened so now we must pay for you being a fucktard.

These people don't get punished for being stupid. They are taken under the wing of society, and protected. They get their settlement, and plastic surgery, wasting court time, tax payers dollars, and brain cells. They don't get punished as nature intended it. Karma even has a hard time believing that they would do something that stupid, and can't even think up a fair enough punishment. The Darwinism Law needs to be made real. People should have to pay for their stupidity. If you're 4'0" and 320lbs, you should not be allowed to go eat 35 cheeseburgers at McDonald's. If I burn my mouth on the coffee I make at home, there's not going to be any class action suit. It won't even be mentioned due to embarrassment. Just because I'm an idiot that can't test weather a liquid will be to hot for my mouth or not, doesn't mean that I should get some kind of reward for being that idiot. I probably should be stoned, or at least laughed at and made fun of for being an idiot. The way nature intended it.

They should close down drive thru's to the lazy, and actually label people with a stamp to the forehead, as lazy, non-contributor, or idiot. And they should be treated as such. If you're a non-contributor to society, you should be banned from using the system. From getting food stamps or welfare. At least have a program that you can only be on welfare for so long before you have to get a job. If you're labeled Lazy, you should not be allowed to use drive thru's. If you want that cup of coffee in the morning, wake up 20 minutes earlier and brew your own cup. Make your own bagel. Idiot, they should just wrap you in bubble wrap and castrate you before you can do the rest of the world any damage.

I know all of this sounds a little harsh, but damn it that's life! It's cruel. And the more you try and protect the dumb, the weak the worse it's going to get. The more we allow the 'not right' to continue, the more people are going to start taking advantage. It's amazing how many people I know say they 'hate cops' but the moment their own situation turns into a shit sandwich they rely on them to help them and save them. It's amazing how many people skip out on paying taxes and then complain about not getting taken care of by the government. It's amazing that I should even have to point this out, how our society is on the cusp of Idiocracy. Don't believe me? In a free democracy like we have, we RE-elected the likes of Bush.

Break the silence, damn the dark, damn the light....

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