Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Platoon Boyz II

Our platoon continues to be one of orphans. People moved from different companies or platoons because they are a 'problem child.' We somehow all seem to get along fairly well though. We got another NCO (he looks like Jack Black), in the platoon making them almost rival us Joe's in number. I still think we could take them.

Huey Dewey, and Louey are three of the boys that have been in the platoon for a long time. Those aren't their real names or even nicknames, but because they spend so much time together almost joined at the hip it fits to call them that.

First you have Brad Duffy, or Fluffy Duffy as he was known in high school. He recently got married before we deployed, and is from Chi town Illinois. He's the leader of the three. Before the military he was a paramedic in the fire department. Duffy is often times considered the platoon 'Golden Boy.' He is also a big complainer within the platoon. It's fun to tell him something, watch him freak out, and then tell him you're just messin' with him.

Next you have Donovan Sampson, the youngest guy in our company. Last year he was still 17. His newest nickname is Tuna, but I like to think he looks like one of the Angry Beavers. He's the hippie of the group, and listens to the Dead as well as Bob Marley, and just about everything else. He's pretty good on the guitar. The funniest thing about Sampson is, is constant sarcasm. He is nearly a master in the art.

The last of the group is Kirk Nelson. Our very own Ogre, and self proclaimed Cornbread Mother F***er! He could have been born sometime in the early 20,000 b.c. His only skill set is smashing and running into things. He's about as big and dumb as the come. He is in reality really smart, just doesn't think things through all of the time. Yesterday he ran into a wrecked car at full speed to see if he could dent the rear quarter panel... case in point.

We also just recently got our newest boy in the Army back, Michael 'Half-Rat' Turner. He was the first to go on leave, and is already back with us. He's been the ache in my head every once in awhile. He's hilarious to watch though, because he is if a middle schooler continued to grow up, but didn't change his mentality about life. He does look a little like Tom Cruise (but like a half retarded Cruise) and he is successful with the ladies. The funniest thing he has done, was when he pointed out a 'middle aged' woman to us, as he saw her. We were looking everywhere out of the truck for this middle aged woman, and we had to ask him if he meant the woman that was in her early twenties. It was, and so we make fun of him for saying that, and now a middle aged woman is considered to be between the ages of 17-25. I really might sound like I have some angst towards him, but I don't have a problem with him, except for the fact he is a Padres fan.

We continue to entertain ourselves with the stupidest things, and constantly try and do impression of one another. We are continually becoming a bigger brotherhood everyday, and it's a pretty cool experience. Of course we are entering month four, when I hit month 8 and want to rip all of their heads off, I'll probably be writing differently.

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