Monday, March 9, 2009

Iraq, As Lovely as The Weather

The current weather in Eastern Baghdad, is a light rain, with a little thunder and lightning. Winds at gusts up to 50 mph, and sand. And a little more sand. Walking outside almost seems like you're on a movie set of Terminator or something. The lights blair through what you would think is fog. It's not, just sand. Watching Jason gear up to go the chow hall was a very hilarious site. He got his neck gaiter out to cover his mouth and nose. Then he grabbed my goggles, and through them on, making him appear to be some kind of bmx biker. He showed his ID at the entrance to the chow hall to the Ugandans on guard there. "You are good sir." Idiots, you can't even see his face. On the other hand I'm breathing in dust even inside, while having Otis Spunkmeyer Wild Blueberry muffins next to me. It's not apple pie Jim.

Today marked the switching of men throughout the platoon into different positions. A way to get everyone a little experience at different jobs. Yesterday I started to train up my replacement to be the new 46 Romeo, the best worst job in the platoon. He should be ready in a month or so, hopefully. The day was also filled with a long nap right after our mission. I have now been trying for the last three hours to come up with different ways to say "you're on dope street guy." A Ryan Kellogg made famous saying. So far the best I've been able to come up with is, "you're on nose candy boulevard."

I'm currently staring at what was once a window, and sliding glass door out to a balcony. Now it's just bricks covering a hole. I guess I really never thought about how nice windows are. How nice it is to see outside. It could be daylight for all I know. Some morning when I wake up having to urinate terribly bad, I'm surprised to run out and it be daylight, or still night. It's a lot of fun racing down the stairs to the bottom floor, to open the door to an array of sunlight.
It's amazing how time flies, while it goes so slow. And who is doing fantasy baseball? I've never done fantasy baseball, but that would be a good way to take up more of my time. I did fantasy
football once, it was a failed operation, I tried to draft Gandalf, but apparently you play with real players. I didn't know Daunte Culpepper was a level 8 Paladin.

Oh, almost forgot, on my last blog post, I talked about it being my birthday and the absurdity of the situation and that long rant I went on. Well then that afternoon, while on the way to deliver humanitarian aid to the Mahdi Army, (cause apparently you kill us, we give you blankets and food), our truck, my truck, got hit with an IED. Everyone was alright, and the truck took minimal damage, but it was still really loud. Oh and Brian, check your messages on facebook, I'll give you the back story. You were smart to get out when you did, you saw it coming.
Also there's only one original misfit left, Purvis. Maier went to headquarters, and well Brown is still here, but seeing how he was a Sgt. Ramirez import, we'll not count him.

Check out Gran Turino, Eastwood is a BAOM (bad ass old man)


  1. Wow dude, popped your IED cherry. I'm so proud. Where'd G go? NM, he is probably somewhere murdering a village because he was bored.

  2. i LOVED Gran Turino. First movie I went to see by myself and it was complete awesomeness.
