Wednesday, March 11, 2009

The New 'Misfits'

Just some of the Boys

"It's hard to be hard." That's what tends to be our motto here in AT4. With more and more missions and less time to ourselves, we only can find a smile in joking about one another or people in our chain of command. The CO impression done by all from top to bottom in the platoon, is as a whole, perfect. A lot of guys throughout of the platoon have grown in the short time that we've been here. The true heart and soul of our platoon is gone. Sgt. Maier is no longer in the platoon, and so we now are going down some kind of new path, to find a new leader to help us through this deployment.

A few of the new imports, and one being the trade for Sgt. Maier have finally started to become part of the family that is AT4, the new 'Misfits.' We will never be the greatness that was of the old 'Misfits.' Well not the same kind of greatness anyways. We don't have a, Brian Reed, Don Lans, Tim Olivo, or Bravill. Toland, Nelson, Maier, and Dirty Bob, all are gone. Now we see only names that still remain to be Purvis, and Brown. The new names in the platoon to assume the rolls, Ingham, Briggs, Jewell, Killman, Pena, Howard. All the rest of the Joe's here, well despite two, have been together for almost a year.

This morning when we woke up we still thought that we were going to be doing a mission with our battalion Sergeant Major. Fortunately it was cancelled. Our newest NCO, who is hated by the Sergeant Major, because he just came from recruiting, was doing our equipment checks for the patrol, was unawares that the mission had been cancelled. Since we haven't broken in any of our 'new' guys to AT4, all of us decided that we would purposely be missing things, like knee pads, magazines, nods mounts, name tapes, and equipment that we are supposed to have. Especially when the Sergeant Major rolls with us.

As he came down the line to check us for all of the equipment, he was getting continually frustrated with all of us being ate up. The entire platoon was in on it, and our LT was asking him why some guys were f'd up and where are stuff was. After about twenty minutes of him running around with his head cut off, we finally couldn't hold in the laughter, and all started laughing, especially as SSgt. Killman called at ease, and our newest Staff Sergeant, Jewell, went to parade rest faster than you can say Herbert. Of course he strutted around getting the frustration all out, but in the end he was able to laugh it off. During our mission later on the LT pissed on his seat. Not that that has anything to do with the rest of the story, but it's a nice side note.

Sleep tight America, the new 'Misfits' ride!

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