Friday, March 8, 2013

Freedom In The Hands of the Beholder

I'm embarrassed on a level to have defended this country. Things are slipping out of the grasp of liberty and our freedoms not only are threatened daily, but are spiraling down a self prophesying drain. Everyone is on their side and only care for it. We still call the media 'News.' Our sovereignty is gone, with it any true hope of patriotism without fire to set alight a unity in our less than perfect union.

Beyond watching what I and my brothers in arms thought we were risking our lives to protect go silently into the night without a fight, I struggle on my own to rehabilitate into the civilian world.

I'm beyond different in ways that are not comprehendible by those who have not experienced the thresholds I have gone beyond and endured. Sadly, this no longer makes me a functional member of society no matter how much I want to be... normal. My ignorance was bliss, and they took my bliss away.

In the college classes that I typically am the eldest by some eight years, I learn about kingdoms, civilizations, empires. They all rise, they all fall. Typically in the same mannerisms at the previous does the latter and the age old, seemingly unbiased and right as the mail saying; HISTORY repeats itself.

The more I study, the more I read, the more this old dog learns new tricks, it seems relevant to point out that a common theme amongst these nations of the past that were created under the hard work of rulers, whether through war, and typically it's through violence of some nature-if not only a threat of it, would rise great kingdoms. Over the years, after expansion, the rulers that have been given the kingdoms after all the hard work has been done; when there is no more blood, sweat and tears to give, when freedom and prosperity is seemingly unchallenged and at it's peak is when it always fails.

The history is staring us right in the face and we're to stupid to do anything about it. We just smile and watch it fade away.

I hear Costa Rica is nice...

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