Friday, May 17, 2013

Itch and Scratch Get's It, Oooh La La

A direction, a road to be traveled lies in weight. The situation, my own cursed mind doesn't mind. The course I wander at this point across path after path of possibility, of future. Stuck on top of the chain link fence, a matter of time before my belt loop breaks. A direction at that point, I certainly will head.

To defy gravity is too dismiss the rules. For that you have to be willing to let them all go, and still hit the ground. That then includes hitting the ground and not allowing it to suddenly stop you. At this point you're going to break through to the sky. Inside out becomes your upside down, or even worse, you're alive and not breathing.

To be successful is the ability to be subjective beyond all attempts at subversion. One man's trash is one's reality. You speak in the lies of this or that is important based on what you find moral, ethical or just cool. You've been exposed, predisposed into this now disposition of the mind and heart. Breaking that cycle is like leaping into a bottomless pit and knowing that it's bottomless. I used to believe in people more than most people ever could, ever have. That truth, that trust slips ever gradually between the holes in my grasp and it waters the garden of the seeds of tastelessness I've been succulently enjoying along with you. Faith in others, a rarely achieved expectation met is an avenue for success that's been detoured for years. I search through this torn soul, snipping the threads busted of inseam and buttons gone, cutting my fingers on the jagged zippers hoping that truths again become evident, that hope is the pivotal unlock in the keyhole of success to open the door of beyond ourselves.

We are a generation just the same as all those who came before. We pray for the younger to come while we prey for the older who went before. I pray for my own generation, for myself these days. Personal touch firstly and influence secondary. How many nights of sleep will it take to dream, to see a world bettered and with my imprint, my gallant impression upon it. If only isn't the decree of my battle flag. It isn't the catch phrase of my generation, but everyone seems to be saying it. To be a success in this matter is an over calculation on my part. Subjectively and personally, what if success is the ability to decide what you want to be when you grow up, and despite the cunning of your change of mind, or of that which influences, sex, drugs, money, you simply keep sails up and maintain course with the drive and tenacity to carry out through whatever you storm even knowing such a commitment may cost you to wreck. And perhaps, it's the exact opposite of that.

Live a life you deserve to have lived, by deserving to live it.

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