Friday, February 6, 2009

Jarbbled Sub Space Transmission

I haven't written a post on this blog in a little while, because I have been unsure on what to write about. My mind has been tied up on some things that have absolutely boggled my mind. I've also been fighting and cold and the beginnings of a new patrol schedule that has us going out more hours.
So this is probably going to be a short one. We have a couple of guys in the platoon here who are not the sharpest crayons on the tree is you catch my drift. One in particular the other day my buddy Jason and I convinced that here in Beladiyat, there is a Cracker Barrel.
It was about 7 or 8 in the morning and we were at an Iraqi Police Station, waiting on our LT who was in a meeting with one of there Colonels. Whitehead, the victim in this story was telling us how he was excited about getting back in time to catch the tail end of breakfast chow.
Jason interjected and said that he would've been excited to stop by the Cracker Barrel they had built in our sector. Here's much how the convo went after the idea was introduced. And mind you Whitehead is from Tennessee, and a real life Biff.
Whitehead: "There's a Cracker Barrel here."
Jason: "Yea."
W: "Really, and it's ran by the Iraqis?"
J: "Yea man, its up off of route Silver."
W: "Have we ever been by it?"
J: "Sure plenty of times man, it's off of Silver and I think, well it's like North Silver and something. Hey Wright, what's that Cracker Barrel off of?"
and without missing a beat...
Me: "It's off of Silver and Arrows"
W: "That's crazy, I didn't think they'd have a Cracker Barrel."
Me: "Yea man, I think in 1/66's AO they have a Wal Mart."
W: "Really? That's cool man."

It was too easy of a joke to play on him, and despite that being a week ago, he still believes that what we were saying was true. Jason is the guy in the platoon that loves to mess with people. He is probably my best accomplice and hardest challenge to play a joke on.
He's one of my best friends in the platoon. A little about him. He's 26. Born in PA, lived there and in Jacksonville, FL. Of course is a Gators fan. He has a four year degree, but not from UF strangely enough. He has so far gotten the most and biggest care packages. His laugh will make you laugh. He's a good guy to get a beer with, and he'll eat sushi with you anytime. He's never had a nickname stick, but he's really good at giving them out. He's the gunner in the same truck I'm in. He covers my ass everytime I get out of the truck.
I'm going to start writing about one guy in the platoon in the next few blogs, so when I write about things that happen, you all can have some insight. Today was about Jason Watkins. That pic is of him and I.

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