Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Losing in Let's Remember

I realize more and more that one thing in life is a truth we believe to be a lie; we were not all meant to be great. There are role players in our world, a game of sorts, but with a real outcome. We've been lying to our kids recently, that they are inherently great. They were born winners, that we ourselves are winners. We don't keep score and hand out trophies to our kids who come in even last place. We 'Occupy' streets in the resentment, the shame that we haven't done as well.
Hard work is a semantic argument that I'm not sure how to make. Success is in the same degree, and it all comes back to perspective. Do what you love is a cliche worth repeating, and how wonderful it is to find that. Not everybody does, not everybody can. We all have our roles to play, but in some cases we can make our reality what we want. You must work hard to do this, and where perhaps my opening statement and the one I'm conveying may seem contradictory; they aren't. Not if you are one who understands the difference between being fed the silver spoon, and working hard enough to earn that spoon.

A common quote that I always here is, "I want to work hard enough, be successful enough, that my kids will never have to work." That's a sad philosophy pitched in the cast of a positive one. Where the idea isn't flawed until the end, you have to realize how hard work, how sacrifice, how the payday of accomplishment can give you more growth then you could ever imagine.

Wear your heart on your sleeves. Realize at least that others might. Being to quick to judge or be opinionated on someone else's lifestyle may cause more enemies than friends. What's the point of a heart if it's not on your sleeves? Be real, dare to be. Real people, people who are comfortable being themselves. You have to dare yourself daily to be something, to be somebody, to be immortalized in your accomplishments for others. Be selfless and service your community. Don't allow yourself to live in a place that isn't best for your kids and your kid's kids.

You can accomplish whatever you set yourself out to do. Understand two things: One, that you have to work hard for whatever you wish to accomplish. Secondly, that you must put yourself in the right capacities to enact who you want to be. Sacrifice in the here and the now, and set yourself up for success in the future. Caution to the wind should only be in the live life now in moderation as well, for today could be your last. The only definite in life is that nothing but death is a definite.

Be honest. Be honest with yourself about yourself. Introspective and a good self awareness are key to becoming a better person and a leader of men. Take insults with a grain of salt, but do not ignore them, and the same with compliments. Be humble, but hungry and confident as well. Work hard to pass up others that you are better than, but do not be the warrior who stands over his defeated; if you push others to be better, make those around you better, you will reap the benefits, you will become better. Be honest to others. Your word isn't a fallacy like our society believes it to be. Say what you mean, and do what you say. This takes self discipline, thoughtfulness, effort and sacrifice.

Do not be afraid of death. Live your life to the fullest without the fear of perishing and you realize a different kind of life that can be lived. Fear nothing. When you come face to face with death, do not wish that you had lived life any other way. Ensure that you have lived life, effected others in ways that you do not regret. Live life exactly as you saw fit to live it.

...I was keeping the faith...

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