Sunday, November 27, 2011

Occupy This

I come from one of the most diverse areas in the world. Only second to one other city, New York. Los Angeles is a melting pot where you can find a town of almost any country within the limits of L.A. We are so ridiculous there that when Chan Ho Park (Korean) was signed by the Dodgers, the shut down an entire Farmer John's Dodger Dog stand to serve rice and lo mein. I'm not hating on that, but it's a Baseball game, what's wrong with someone from Korea enjoying a Dodger Dog? They're fucking awesome! This might sound racist to most, but if you actually aren't an ignorant fuck you would know that Koreans actually do eat dog all the time, and probably are upset at the fact that a Farmer John's Dodger Dog is not actually made out of Dog.

I get more and more tired of this world we are living in. I know it's the Holiday Season, but if no one else is going to start changing to become American, then why must I conform to do what is right? We have so many lazy cocksuckers in this world that it makes me sick that there are men and women dying in another country to protect those smelly-unappreciative-notdoingshitinlife-butoccupying- street happy vaginals. What happened to America being a bunch of winners? A bunch of hard workers? I have to feel for grandparents. What they must think about the generation of ass-clowns that are doing absolutely nothing but being retarded about something that they don't understand nor do they understand what they're doing. Not that they don't have a vision or scope to understand, but they simply do not know what they are there for.

Back to my grandparents; they lived through so much shit, really the birth of the nation as we now know it. They fought tyranny and oppression on a mass scale, but only after living through a depression and dust bowl that forced them to eat nothing but rice and drink water that stained their teeth. What the fuck are we doing America? These grand folks of ours worked so hard that we never had to worry about shit, but that kingdom they built for us is crumbling ever so quickly. Rocks are falling, the ceiling is caving.

What could unite us? Better yet, remind us of what we have here in this nation? Do people of our time even realize what our nation would be if all of this was taken away? It's obvious that the hurt of 9/11 wasn't enough to last more than pulling a band aid off swiftly. We are a nation full of excuses and a finger to point at everyone else. We have zero personal responsibility, and for sure no one wants be responsible for their actions. They look at the government to fix everything and do nothing for themselves. Everyone wants their handout.

The United States as we know it is on the verge of it's end. A lot is going to change in my lifetime, and there's no way that the masses will come together for the greater good. That's not verbiage in their dictionary. They're standing on the corner ignorance and selfishness, waiting for their bus of salvation, but no one really wants to drive.

Last but not least... how many more movies can Marky Mark be in about revenge and payback? He's so much better in roles where he's somewhat of a comic relief. ( I Heart Huckabees, and Departed, or his best role Boogie Nights)

...I could shoot you from over a mile away, you wouldn't even know that I was there. But I'm going to kill you from inside a foot; it's a lot more personal that way...

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