Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Suture Up My Future

This week has made me feel like a kid during their first week of high school. My breath trembles slightly, but I remain calm. Images flash through my mind, narrated by yang and he's only asking questions. Doubt. The path I've just set forth for myself is one that I wouldn't have expected a younger less aware me to make. One that I couldn't have made.

The alarm chirps like a bird from the depths of hell. I dismiss it with a math problem and the sum of that problem has made me more awake, aware. Snot is drained to one nostril and I can feel it through the breath of my blinks. Sitting up isn't an issue, but it's something I don't want to do. I move like I belong to a home of the old, but manage to get my socks on myself. It's early and I yearn to wake up when I haven't beat the sun to it.

There are things we do, choices we make that are determined by two paths. Do I want to do this, or do I not want to. Sometimes the hardest pill to swallow is the one you know is going to stick in the throat on the way down. The small amount of saliva is only going to unleash Bruce Lee from the pill to kick the inside of the throat. It fights you going down, but later on you'll feel better. These choices are all too often one's that we don't make. The easy route, that's way easier.

Recognition of a problem doesn't do much without resolution of the problem. Sharpening the knife won't do any good unless you plan on using it to bone. I'm not sure what reason we are here on earth. Everyone has an idea or angelical philosophy on the matter. We obviously have animal instincts that have yet to adapt to the lifestyles that we try and live by. I don't know a lot about what we are here, or why we are here, but I do feel like we are not living up to our full potential, that we lack a serious depth of concern for one another. I see the way things operate in our world, and there's a very sad cut-off between those who have power, and those that do not. Greed is a disgusting disease and there seems to be many affected by it.

I'm tired of talking, tired of lacking the strength to persevere, to watch injustice's waves smash against the foundation of what I believe to be true, tired of good men doing nothing and terrible men reaping the benefits, tired of the suffering, tired of the inaction. I'm acting, I'm leading. Grab my coat tails and follow me, or be strewn about in my wake. Welcome to the beginning of a new era, because I just sutured up my future. You have been warned.

The Era, Vulgaris~ Just stare at the lights while you drool in the dark.

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