Sunday, March 6, 2011

Army Birthday Weekend

The reflection I look at in the pond of life has a ripple in it. It was that last week was a bad week and this weekend was so needed that it didn't go over well. Timing is never clutch. I was looking so forward to a nice weekend out with friends, a chance to catch a breath and take a mental time out from my normal life.

The Triangle area here in North Carolina I have a love for. Although I've only been living in NC for a few years, there's something about the wooded drive and nestled in cities that give me that satellite home feeling. I enjoy my time there, the people I meet, the things I do. This weekend I was relying on that. Splash, and the reflection is gone. Uncertainty puts his fingers in it and you end up in the wrong place at the right time.

Friday night was weird to say the least, and later we found out why it had to be that way. The Fayetteville meter was turned to far up and made the night harder to delve into. Then, upon a Saturday research on the internet, it became apparent. We were in the wrong place. Kevin Pollack had been doing a stand up routine in close proximity, and not only had we missed it but we didn't even know it was happening. The whole night was explained. We just went to the wrong place.

Saturday started out as Friday night had passed it's baton off in this relay. I woke up to the neighbors above my friend Ryan's apartment making more noise than most dance clubs allow. That and the blow up mattress had deflated mostly and my neck was screaming. Ryan and I made some waffles and drank some italian coffee his aunt got him. Even a trip to the gym couldn't break the funk. Finally the afternoon arrived, and with it it's knight in proverbial shiny and day saving armor.

I had lunch with a friend, and finally had a deep conversation with someone other than the three people that I normally do. It helped me put an eraser to some of the question marks my mind had drawn up over the last few months, and I was happy for the weight being off of my shoulders. Lunch moved too fast, but apparently not fast enough for our waitress and I was back hanging out at Ryan's apartment. Saturday night had to be better.

Ryan and Travis (still on his way back up from Fayetteville, and phone less with my Jeep), both had prior Saturday night engagements they had to attend to. They would rendezvous with me at a later point. I enjoyed a few more beers and watched the travel channel, found some pizza pie in the fridge and headed out to act as a loner. Little did I know, I was going to be acting like one.

After a few drinks, and watching the end of the Duke game, I ran into my friend the general manager at Natty's and threw a few darts to make sure I still had it. The night progressed faster than I had anticipated and a few missed calls, texts were part of the phone tag being played by me and my friends. I went to a bar where 15 minutes prior they were at, and couldn't find a trace of my buds. The night got later, and closing time was hitting. No one answers their phones at this time. They are all caught up in the last second digit swapping and the bustle and hustle of the exhaling bar. 2:30 and the Clarion is totally booked, except the Pres Suite at a nice round 250. I walk back towards Ryans, in the rain. 

No one answers their phones and I find a nice place down the street to rest my head. I'm to nicely dressed to be homeless, but I think, then again it could be my first day. I woke up, damp and shivering and decided that Ryan must be home by now, or at least I can break in. Walking down the street and going over the bridge, a car pulls up next to me and traces my trickle walking pace. I'm not intoxicated and my fight or flight starts pouring into my veins. I turn and look to my opponent, and it's Travis in my car. It's 4:30. We find an all night open place and head to Ryan's where we debate how to break in. We use the oning over the bottom door and I shimmy the wall and open his window using my car keys. I kick in the screen and by 6:15 we're sleeping on the hard wood floor. About the only successful thing that happened all weekend, and it came down to using Army training.

Sunday was always the bitch she is, and other than the amazing sunset igniting the clouds with bright orange fire over Fort Bragg, the weekend has left me desiring more, desiring it to be Friday. For round two of March. It's my senior year after all.

Today, marks my fourth year of service to this country. To all those who I've met over the years, who I've known and cared about, who I never got to say goodbye to, I just wanted to say this: I love all of you my brothers, all you have done for me, yourself and the people of our nation. You will go without thanks, and be treated as sub society, take your licks and protect the rights of those who do not appreciate what they have. And you do it without question. You are remarkable men. It has been an absolute pleasure to have known you.

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