Sunday, September 26, 2010

The NIA'S and How Sweet Their Sound/Beauty

I like sunrises better than sunsets. However I like the night better than the day, just not the segway to reach it. Mornings have become my new thing, and although I generally have to struggle to shake the caked over not ready eyes and limbs and mind, I enjoy that crisp feel of a brand new day. The sun starting to shine, but not letting it's rays effect me or anything else in the world. Untouched and pure.

Summer is coming to an end, and I could've thought it was worse in Iraq last year, but can only think of how seemingly miserable this one was. With the sweat of the south and it's thick air and putrid humidity, it led plenty to be desired. Even the occasional escape to the beach was met by all too warm of water and a salty taste that couldn't even be washed out by shower. I'm looking forward to this fall and all that it holds. Never having seasons for the first 20 years of my life has made me really appreciate the ones I now live through.

Carolina is a beautiful state, and most of the songs must have been written in it's gentle falls and weeks days or even hours after the poets of our time could have forgotten of the misery that her summer's had brought. Carolina must be a woman, so enchanting and remarkable, and yet so unforgiving and malice. The period is over and she's taken her chill pill.

I thought that Carolina and California songs could only be convenience most of the time, mainly because they are very easy to write into a song. But their majesty certainly has played a bigger role than pure pitch and hook.   The little of the United States I've lived in, the length of time, my experience isn't broad, but it's focused and rewarding. I've figured out one thing that's for sure, for real. A truth to my life that finally is back in black and white and has lost it's shades of gray. I will live where the weather is temperate. Less extremes. More sweaters, hoodies and facial hair.

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