Friday, January 30, 2009

The Hellish Hours of a 4 am Wake Up Call

My eyes crack open just wide enough to allow the already protruding light to weave through my eye lashes, my last line of defense. It feel like I just laid down. My head feels heavy, and my heart beats slower than it ever does. I double take, am I even breathing? My eyelid feels like the pulley assisting it to open needs to be greased. My muscles from head to toe feel like they've been some bad drawing from a cartoonist, crumpled and tossed into the corner.
I first push my blankets back to about hip level. The immediate cold makes every hair and goose bump stand to attention, as if to tell me what I already know. My first attempt to sit up is squandered and lost by my will to continue laying down. The second is not really an attempt at getting up, but more of an attempt to free my legs from the spider web my blankets and sheets have created. I finally break free. Damn. I sit up and give a little stretch to the muscles that beg for another five minutes. My feet instinctively find the floor and I sit there contemplating the five feet across cold floor to the nirvana for cold feet. Socks. Its a quick dash and I have them.
I'm still to tired to stand and put them on, so I creep back to my bed and trying not to get caught by even myself, I lay back on my back while rolling the socks up my leg. Ahhhhh, so much better. Damn, back to on my feet. I quickly switch out my ranger panties for my pants. Which since I'm not a ranger, does that mean they're just panties? Anyways the shirt is quick to follow.
I reach for my electric razor, and perform the morning ballet of trimming. I missed a few spots, same old same old. My boots! Another reason to sit. They went on too fast, and I sluggishly move to put on my jacket. It's when I'm almost done getting dressed that I realize my morning routine is only ten minutes in. Grab my tooth brush and tooth paste. My dentist would've been unsatisfied with that job. Good thing he doesn't get up at this hour.
I grab my gear, and hoist it over my head, letting it fall on my already sore shoulders. Grab Delilah and my helmet and move down the three flights of stairs I'm hoping I fall down. Its dark outside. Why am I up and the sun isn't? Well just another 12 hours and I can come back, and relax.... eeeehhhhhh 4-6 delta 6 break, frago.... I guess I'll be a little longer.

If I was meant to pop out of bed in the morning I would sleep in a toaster.

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