Saturday, July 7, 2012

Dance of the Dead

heard too much, know too much

Places to go, people to see, the normal hustle and bustle of everyday life keeps us rapped in this world of constant kinetics. We stand in line for coffee, text or talk on our cell phones. Our universe ultimately spins around us and we worry not about so many things that we previously would have to. Today's here and now is just a tangled spider web of the who's who and the what's what that we find ourselves consistently wrapped up in.

if the system had one neck, you know I'd gladly break it

Along the road, after flat tire, broken radiator and cracked windshield we seemed to lose focus on what and why we do what it is that we do. There is a dull essence in life, a pursuit of instantaneous gratification that leaves us never earning for more, yet we yearn for it. We often don't realize our zeal for this quick and painless process of getting what we considered owed to us, and to be quite frank; it has really screwed us. Technology has become to convenient for us, and we simply can't absorb substance in the thirty second news coverage stories that simply brush upon the surface of facts they have yet to confirm.

know the deal, the way we feel-those of us who care

The Quran or Koran, or however you prefer to spell it burning in Afghanistan was the pinnacle example of this sort of thing. America, it's half a glance answer so definitely resound that when the real story came out, there was no way that you could convince the now common nonfactual knowledge that it wasn't the fault of U.S. Soldiers what so ever. Just the same as the KONY video that became more viral than whatever Christina Aguilera has been carrying since 2003. The short term is ignorance across a growing nation that has so many warning labels on everything, and enough lawyers to boot, that we have kept a group of people alive, and irresponsible that the long term affect can only be pointed in the direction of Idiocracy.

constant pain, the endless strain becomes too much to bear

The truth, the sadness that someday we may have to face as a nation, is that things will revert, go back to the way that they once were. We will decline by way of causes done by ourselves, others or nature. The absurdity of the situation is that where this will be a huge adjustment for a lazy human/American population, most of the world already deals with things that you don't even consider a worry or bothersome. Raw sewage in the streets. Trash piled up everywhere. Bugs, insects, animals that are not domesticated. We are truly the spoiled kids of the earth, with our big lollipops, complaining about why they can't be bigger.

there's no answer in the end, live free, fall or fight

If we are to continue to be the number one in the world, we are going to have to readjust our attitude. Firstly, there is nothing wrong with being a winner. Secondly, c'mon people what happened to our work ethic? We try and find short cuts, and lack the pride in not only ourselves, but we as Americans. Compassion... we must realize that this is our greatest flaw. We punish criminals with titles that allow them the right to not learn from their mistakes. We take it easy on them. We forget of our military and the fact that they sacrifice everything so that you don't have to do a percent of the work that they've done. We allow our congress to operate freely and without accountability for their actions. They take pensions that an NYPD officer couldn't accumulate in 40 years of service, yet they just have to serve one term. We are naive, we don't look at ourselves to fix first, yet we spend plenty of time worrying about how to fix others. These next ten years, they're vital. They're vital to our success as a nation. We cannot let ourselves fail. History will repeat itself, and if you're so optimistic about us, and don't think things are all that bad... well you've been tricked by the system and you don't stand a chance.

end their idiot prance

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