Saturday, April 9, 2011

The Ball Set Forth

"Servicemen and women don’t serve their nation for the pay; however, the assumption of their continued service without financial subsistence is an unforgivable act, the ramifications of which further the deepening divide between an apathetic nation and its warriors. The term “nation at war” is a misnomer. There are no national war-time sacrifices being made nor is there a national consciousness of war; rather, we are a nation whosepublic servants are fighting a war that has been condoned either explicitly or passively by its citizens. Shame on all Americans, our transgression of neglecting the sacrifices of our military at war has escalated to neglecting their human rights. Pay the fucking troops." -Dan Nelson

I served with 1LT Dan Nelson in Baghdad, Iraq between December 2008 and November 2009. He was the inspiration for a lot of my more heated blogs concerning the views of America. He would stand in the guard shack with me and the others, and see the grim looks on our faces, past our weary eyes and see what was eating us up inside. He would have the right thing to say, to make you feel that at least someone notices, even if they're going through it too. What he says above here, there is nothing is closer to the truth. It's an idea, much as the military itself, that is not recognized not supported, not a part of this society.

As I flipped back and forth from the different 24 hour news networks that I could definitely say that I despise, I found myself wondering how many other Americans were watching the countdown to the shut down of our government. How many people of my age were watching the new Enron of called the United States Government fail in front of their eyes. The ticker rolling across the screen is about the only place you get any solid news. '... in the event of shutdown, military death benefits will not be paid...' I read that, and get as sick to my stomach as when I see a new row of tombstones being put in at Arlington. I realize that I am the last of what America used to stand for. That dying for an idea is worth the weight of freedom, of liberty.

We have so many causes that we push for these days, that it's hard to even sort your own mail. We give and give and give as an American society to so many other nations (356 million to Haiti). It feels good to help others out, but for far too long have we focused on the needs of others and forgot about the needs of our own. We've created so many programs within our government that gives money to those who pay nothing into these programs and provide no service back to society. We are up in arms about the possibility of cutting welfare, of cutting planned pregnancy programs, but when it comes to possibly not paying the protectors of all of the precious freedoms that we as Americans have become so accustomed to, to the point that we think we deserve them without sacrifice, we do nothing. 

Regardless of the fact that the Government came to an agreement on a budget (and only a temporary one) for the fiscal year, we should still demand the step down of all of the Congressmen, Senators and President of The United States. They have failed us, we have failed ourselves. The people of this nation must take back the power from these men and women who were so willing to cut all the pay to the employees that put in more time and effort than the paycheck that they receive would indicate. Yet, they would still collect their six figures on the 1st and 15th, while Americans would die in defense of this nation and their families would receive nothing. This country has lost it's morals, it's ethics, it's liberty if we do not demand a change, if we do not force a change, if we are not willing to make whatever sacrifice we must, to include the ultimate one to protect what is right! The breach of trust the government has caused has implications apparently to only those who know what the true price of freedom is. The sheep dogs and not the sheep have the clairvoyance to know what this has all meant, and if we do nothing, well then we've let this nation be devoured by the wolves that we are sworn to protect.

"I ask no greater glory, than to defend our country and our way of life, against all enemies, both foreign and domestic"

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